Read this if you are feeling down and lost.

Nikhat Shaikh
3 min readDec 8, 2021

It sucks, right?

I knowwwwwww!!! (at least don't roll your eyes now. Or maybe do as you wish!

I just wanna be here at the moment.

this article is not some guide to get you back on track or some kind of hack to make you feel motivated or good in an instant. It is just to let you know that the writer of this very article is also feeling the same and came here to tell YOU that you are not alone.

Please close your eyes for a sec, take a deep breath and release it with a sigh. Just do it.

Now listen to me —

Life sucks, it gets difficult. A lot of times.

but can you think of some good times when you were genuinely happy?

ok, I’m not talking about those big memorable moments or anything related to your favorite person, etc, etc.


Think about those little things that you felt when you were alone and it just made you smile. Or the little thing that you noticed in public and thought about life and how mysteriously beautiful it gets sometimes. Or think about the moment you learned something new or about the moment your hair felt just perfect or the coffee you made that tasted so good. These are the moments in which life becomes worthy. (And if you haven't done these things- I encourage you to DO IT!)

Anyways, so yes, feeling lost and clueless sometimes feels scary but sucks all the time. And it doubles the disgust when you fail to point out the exact reason for this feeling. We spend the day procrastinating, spending more time on social media than usual, not finding the right person to talk and then at the end of the day — it hurts and as the night gets closer it keeps getting worse and worse leading to insomnia. And then it is a guilt trip of thoughts.

Believe me when I say that I don’t always write when I feel this way. Sometimes I just put on the music, either to cry or to end up dancing like a monkey. Sometimes I try to work out, not some heavy lifts or anything but just some indoor walks and songs in the background. Sometimes I write. Sometimes I read. Sometimes I spent time with a dog or a cat. I don’t know.

But sometimes nothing feels right.

So that when I think we should just let the sadness set in, the dullness to get us. let’s not try and pretend to smile. let’s allow these emotions to screw us. Like why not, we were the ones who used to wish, in childhood, to become an adult. Now that we are welcomed to this adulthood and are shown the reality we can allow ourselves to regret the things we wished for in our childhood. Like even if we wished to be a child again, we can only end up in a mental asylum instead of being a child again.

I’m not a therapist or some expert. But these are my opinions and in a way my coping methods.

I know, I know that some of your people are being harsh on you, some are trying to tell you what they think instead of just shutting up and listening to you, understanding you, maybe you are still far from your goal but at least you are trying which is still progress. Or simply, it is just nothing in particular as I said before. These things, these feeling, all of this makes us human.

I am in that place today but I’ll get out of it. Yes, I’m hurting and lost, yes there's dullness around at the moment. But I still believe. I hope you believe it too.

Go out there, read some poetry and become another hopeless romantic like me!

Take care, you precious hooman.

