The mundane life of mine (and yours)

Nikhat Shaikh
2 min readNov 4, 2022

I mean, who asked life to make us adults?

Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Unsplash

That’s it. We wake up. Another day. Some of us brushed, and some of us didn't. Some had breakfast some of us only sat there, not feeling like eating. There’s anxiety that we all have to deal with. Assignments, projects, sales, exams, and interviews. So much to deal with.

Why do we have to survive the day? Why do we have to surrender to capitalism as if it is the thing that defines us rather than something that we created? (sounds so like the threatening AI)

I was reading Franz Kafka yesterday. He never wanted his work to be published. He wrote when he felt like it. When he was on his deathbed, he told his best friend to burn all of his writing. But guess what? He also got betrayed by his own species. I mean, yeah — that's what the world has become or maybe it was already like this.

Are we too weak?

Are we too sensitive?

Are we too spoilt?

Human instinct is to have, to get, to rise. Trust me, humans are never satisfied with what they have (oops, am I exposing my species). Anyways, it seems like they have this black hole sustaining in them that never satisfies them. But is it greed or some trauma response? Oh, psychology — hi there!

Psychology has done nothing but made intellectual individuals more confused and questioning. There seems no concrete answer to anything. Such absurdism! I mean — your response to this sentence? Is it your suppressed emotion? or is it some toxic trait or is it trauma that you are not even aware of? Why do you think the way you do?

Why do we have to get that degree? There should be a plan, a career idea. But then most of us are just lost and pretend that we are doing all right while worrying the heck out about what are we going to do in the future.

Why let Capitalism play with our minds? Somehow we cannot help but get anxious because of this rat race forgetting how fragile is human life.

Of course, I’m not the first person to ask these questions. But I am the person who experienced the pointlessness of this materialistic greedy world that pushes individuals into this unending abyss of turmoil.

Compared to the Universe, who are we?

Anyways, did you smile today when the winter air hit your face, and somehow the winter sun rays reached you? I hope you experienced the peace it gives, every time.

I love the winter sun though!

