The World vs You

Nikhat Shaikh
2 min readFeb 26, 2021

The world is a strange and complicated place. Sometimes, it feels like we are in a barbaric king's arena where you have to fight to live a life.

You know what you want, simple things you want in your life but as you step out into the world to get what you want there come millions of complications right in front of your face. You get rid of complication one, the other stands right behind the first one.

They keep saying phrases like love yourself, take care of yourself. But why don't they say that it will be a lot difficult in practice?

So here, let me give this message to you:

The world is indeed scary and strange but it's beautiful too when you break the chains of society. The process is difficult but it is possible. You have to keep loving yourself. It won’t be easy but you are a warrior and despite every negativity, you can do it. You will break a few or maybe many times and I say let that hurt water your growth.

In this adventurous journey of being you, remember that:

You Matter.

You are Enough.

You are your own version of strong and beautiful.

I just wish that people start appreciating others more and support one another more. Be Kind and not hide behind the mask of fakery.

